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Our Values

What does Serve First value?

Our values guide everything we do.

Our Values

These values guide everything we do as a community.

We believe serving has the potential to impact quality of life, well-being, and much more.

Serving others can:

  • Create a sense of purpose and meaning.
  • It can generate strong social bonds.
  • Deepen one’s faith.
  • Teach valuable skills
  • Build community


We strongly believe in servant leadership.

We whole-heartedly live by the servant leadership motto, “Serve first, lead second.”

We believe everyone is a leader.


What is a leader?

  • A leader is someone who exercises inflluence over one or more areas of their lives.
  • A leader is someone who has vision and goals.


For the skeptics:

We also believe that just because everyone is a leader, it doesn’t mean we all lead well.

Just because we all have areas of influence doesn’t mean everyone embraces those areas.

How does our role as leaders change us?

When people begin to see that they have influence and therefore are leaders, their entire view of the world changes.

Leaders are not victims of their environment and circumstances.

Leaders can influence their situation and those around them for the better.

Leaders can make an impact in their world and in the lives of other people.

One of our goals is to help others discover their leadership potential.

We believe that leading begins with ourselves.

We believe leadership is Biblical.

“And he said to them, ‘Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.’”Matthew 4:19 ESV

We believe this extends not only to the finances and resources entrusted to us, but to all areas of our lives.


We model generosity in everything we do.

The Bible emphasizes the virtue of generosity in numerous passages.

One well-known verse is Proverbs 11:25, which states, “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”

Additionally, 2 Corinthians 9:7 encourages cheerful giving, saying, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”


We feel a responsibility to care for and develop others. As an organization, we love each person as they are, but we are not content leaving them that way. Growth is key to becoming the person we were created to become.