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What We Do

We utilize media, resources, and relationships to lead people to the radical blessings of serving.

We believe strongly in the power of serving.

How we accomplish our mission

We create awareness through media

As our mission states, Serve First exists to lead people to experience the radical blessings of serving. A big part of this involves raising awareness of the benefits of serving. In a world where the focus is on serving ourselves, we believe it’s time to flip the script, change the narrative, and set the record straight. We do this through a variety of media published online, including but not limited to articles, videos, ebooks, webinars, courses, etc.

We support others through relationships

Through partnerships with like-minded organizations, programs, and online media.

Serve First offers opportunities to serve online and in local communities around the world.

We believe that everyone has a purpose in this world. We firmly believe that serving others is at the center of our purpose.

We are working to create a list of resources to equip people in their journey to serve.

We equip others through resources

Serve First is dedicated to providing multiple avenues of support for those who are interested in the benefits of serving. 

We are quick to respond, and are eager to help through coaching, creating content, and starting programs.

We believe that a big part of Serve First’s role is connecting people interested in serving to organizations where they can serve. We are working to establish relationships with various organizations.